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Your Local Wishlist

#ShopLocal and Earn Rewards with Payris

What is Payris?

Payris is a centralized, curated matchmaker for all your local needs

    Looking for food, experiences, products, and services that are just right for you?
    Make your request in our app and we’ll match you with personalized offers from curated vendors in your neighborhood.
    Earn cash rewards by opting in to our privacy-respecting surveys, so we can match you with the best offers and help give local businesses back their fair share of internet revenue.

Why Choose Us


Publish a wish


Fulfill it with a local business


Earn cash rewards!


Why Payris?

Take Control of Your Data – Why should only internet giants profit from your data? With Payris, you are in control every step of the way, and the rewards you earn are yours to enjoy.
Share and Earn – Publish wishes for the things and experiences you want, take surveys about your preferences and opinions — and earn rewards that you can cash out and enjoy on your own terms.
Support Local Business – Get matched with curated vendors in your neighborhood and help give local businesses back their fair share of internet revenue.
Protect Your Privacy – Payris respects your privacy. We ask for details simply to match you with the best, most personalized offers and will never sell or share your personally identifiable information (PII).

Our partners


Our Ukrainian clients


How Does It Work?


Want it. Wish it. Get it. Download the app now.

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